Saturday, June 7, 2008

Advancement Camp / Summore B'days

At the advancement camp, i noticed a few things.
Point form la.

-The food at Jugra Aint good.
-i always get tired at camps no matter what time i sleep before.
-i still go high even if im tired to dust. XD
-they did the advancements i did alrd. =
-birthdays on camp dates arent nice.. kinda sad..
-without my usual bunch of friends, i get some time for dif groups of peeps, grow closer to them, and keep them for life.
-Camps a good play card games. (you just get into the ZONE babeh.) XD
-you always wanna appreciate the stuff you have back home, but you wont cause your too busy missing camp. =D
-its ALWAYS good, no matter who with, how or when you go for a camp.
i also want to wish a happy belated b'day to JOYCE SHAMINI,
And a soon to have b'day LILIAN TANG.
hahaahaha, VBS 2007 wan weh.
Well, bye.

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