Friday, April 13, 2007


first and foremost, GO BLUE!!!! ahha
next, to all of you who are counting your eggs before they hatch, stop it.. it is getting very, VERY annoying.. making mistakes doesn't make you a failure it makes you learn something you didn't know before so stop thinking that you 'know-it-all' when you don't lah..
then, if you lost, you lost.. my goodness..
later, dun cry before the event starts lah.. give it a minute at least! DRAMA QUEEN!
so, green, ya goin' down.. even with the marks mr.Yeoh cheated for you.. i'm gonna congratulate you all now if you all win (so dun expect it when you do)
but, if you dun win.. you can anticipate a LOT of smack talk.. =)

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